about me

hi! my name is derya

pronounced in english: dairy-ya
pronouns in english: she/her/hers

photo of me with my cat fig

thinking about…

  • applying critical & feminist theory + visualization
  • communicating science research
  • understanding how data became important
  • learning Swedish
  • hanging out with my cat Fig


✏ Doktorand, Science & Technology @ Linköping University

✉ derya.akbaba at liu dot se

𓅮 @gotdairyya

b/c elon musk ruins everything

📖 i like books

💾 a list of lists about data vis


☼ Masters, Computing @ University of Utah, 2022

☃ BSc, Industrial & Labor Relations @ Cornell, 2013

recent work

A speculative feminist knowledge elicitation system
Derya Akbaba*, Eirini Kaklopoulou *
Workshop at AI for Humanity and Society 2023, 2023
workshop *both authors contributed equally

I Was Here: Digital Traces as Design Material
Tobias Kauer, Derya Akbaba
Information+ Conference, 2023
conference abstract

'Two Heads are Better than One': Pair-Interviews for Visualization
Derya Akbaba, Miriah Meyer
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023
paper supplemental material

words matter || mattering words
Derya Akbaba
CSCW Workshop. A Toolbox of Feminist Wonder: Theories and methods that can make a difference, 2023
workshop, proceedings


Aug 2024 :: Sweden

Excited to join the NORDES summer school where we will focus on socio-ecologically just design theories and practice.

May 2024 :: Denmark

Student volunteering at EuroVis 2024 in Odense, Denmark.

Apr 2024 :: Sweden

Presented my half-time seminar (similar to quals in the US)! One step closer to graduating! :)